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Updated: Nov 8, 2020

Along with Donna Kovatch (the better part of my campaign team), I’d like to say THANK YOU to the many WC residents who took the time to speak to us over our week of ringing doorbells and knocking on doors. While it’s always a good thing for people to ‘put a face to the name’, in my opinion it was also very rewarding for us to hear directly from YOU on issues that are important to you. We’ve heard a great deal about a number of topics, but the one we heard most consistently was a strong desire for change, and about how our residents are looking for some fresh faces and fresh ideas to deal with our growing and evolving community.

As one would expect, there were a number of folks who weren’t home when we darkened their doorways. That’s certainly understandable and expected, so we left behind a ‘one pager’ which included a very brief overview of me and my priorities, as well as links to additional information and an email address for those with comments, questions - or both. We realize many don’t often use their front doors, but if you haven’t yet found one in your mailbox, under your doormat or taped to your garage door surround, please take a quick look before it gets buried in snow!

I’ve told people I’m data driven so here are some statistics. Since Sunday, November 1, we’ve:

  • been to 887 homes in WC

  • walked 222,701 steps

  • traveled 163.8 kms - on foot

  • met and reconnected with SO many nice people who took the time to share concerns, feedback, support and ideas.

Thanks again for the welcome, respectful and civil exchange of ideas and dialogue - even when we disagreed on a topic or issue. This was a definitely a welcome respite from the sometimes vitriolic banter of social media and a good model for future communication - myself included. We’re encouraged by the strong sense of community among residents, as well as their ‘ownership’ and ‘investment’ in helping the Town continue along a path of positive growth and development.

Thanks also to the warm reception we received from your many pets - most seemed more eager and curious than threatening in any way.

We’d like to thank and wish ALL CANDIDATES nothing but the best. Your efforts have contributed much to making this election relevant and getting our residents invested in the outcome. Win or lose, Donna and I would like to think we’ve contributed in some small way to that increased interest.

We realize today’s freezing rain, snow and winds are going to make moving around tomorrow more challenging than we’d like, but please take the time to vote, make your voice heard, and support our community leaders.

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